Choose either AngelBox or AngelCamera One to connect all your security cameras into one place.
Skip the infrastructure challenges with our reliable and adaptable platform, built to support your boldest ideas.
More about our platformSecure your premises with Real-Time Security, AI-powered security or Cloud recording solutions
Learn moreConsolidate your cameras using AngelBox or AngelCamera One, or directly connect all Axis cameras using the Axis connector.
AngelCamera One easily connects as an autonomous camera, or functions like the AngelBox! We encrypt communication between AngelCamera One, all your cameras and the Angelcam application.
Choose either AngelBox or AngelCamera One to connect all your security cameras into one place.
Create your account quickly and get your first 21 days of the Essentials plan for free.
Monitor & share your cameras, or upgrade to cloud recording, broadcasting, or real-time protection.
Angelcam assists primarily manufacturing plants, factories, and small to medium-sized businesses in protecting their assets and saving resources. With our technology, businesses can leverage their existing camera systems for cloud recording, public broadcasting, real-time security, and sharing of security footage.
Experience uninterrupted connection to the cloud, designed with security and reliability in mind.
Connect your IP cameras into one system and extend the lifespan of your CCTV camera system.
AngelBox or AngelCamera One continuously adapts, eliminating the costs for a fixed IP address and ensuring you're always connected.
Simply connect with plug & play devices, ensuring a smooth, frustration-free experience.
Even in the event of fire, flood, or theft, your recordings remain safe and stored in our cloud.
Unify all your locations under a single account.
Connect to your security cameras anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
Keep your footage readily available for insurance or authorities, always at hand.
Access up to 3 years of your camera system's history and never miss out on important moments.
Deter intruders with your voice, fog cannons, or simply let the alarm monitoring station take control.